BABY JOY Scotland’s youngest mum who gave birth aged 12 reveals she’s expecting another baby

SCOTLAND’S youngest mum who gave birth aged just 12 has revealed she is expecting another baby.

Tressa Middleton fell pregnant back in 2006 after she was raped by her own brother.

Tress became Britain's youngest mum when she gave birth aged 12 in 2006

Tress became Britain’s youngest mum when she gave birth aged 12 in 2006Credit: Andrew Barr

Her partner Darren announced the happy news on Facebook

Her partner Darren announced the happy news on FacebookCredit: Tressa Middleton facebook

After the baby was taken away Tressa spiralled into depression and drug use as she fought to come to terms with her ordeal.

At the time she was the UK’s youngest mum, until The Sun revealed earlier this year that an 11-year-old girl had given birth.

But Tressa, now 27, has now turned her life around with partner Darren Young and the couple revealed this week that she is around 20 weeks pregnant with their second child together.

Posting a scan picture to Facebook, Darren wrote: “It’s another girl – Arihanna is absolutely delighted.”

Arihanna is the couple’s first daughter, born weighing 8lbs 1oz in October 2017 after a 24-hour labour.

Tressa hit the headlines 15 years ago when it was revealed the schoolgirl was expecting a baby.

She had suffered a difficult childhood fraught with her mum’s addiction issues and sexual abuse at the hands of her older brother, Jason.

She initially kept the identity of her first child’s father a secret, and the pair were taken into care until – aged 14 – she broke down and told a social worker what her brother had done it her.

Her daughter was removed from her care and then adopted in 2008.

Jason, 19 at the time, was jailed for four years in 2009 after a DNA evidence helped to convict him.

Tressa, of Bathgate, West Lothian, has spoken of her heartbreak that she was unable to keep her first baby.

She said she feels guilty that Arihanna gets to be brought up with her birth mum, but her older daughter didn’t get the chance.

The then 24-year-old said she speaks to baby Arihanna about her older sister and hopes the girls one day get to meet.

An 11-year-old is believed to be the youngest ever mother in the UK after she had a child in June this year, as exclusively revealed by The Sun.

A source who knows the family said: “It has come as a big shock.

“She’s now being surrounded by expert help. The main thing is that she and the baby are OK.

“There are questions around why people did not know. That is very worrying.”

Tressa previously said she felt guilty she didn't get the chance to look after her first daughter

Tressa previously said she felt guilty she didn’t get the chance to look after her first daughterCredit: Rex

Tressa has spoken openly about her young pregnancy

Tressa has spoken openly about her young pregnancyCredit: Andrew Barr – The Sun Glasgow

The proud parents said Arihanna is 'absolutely delighted' to be a big sister

The proud parents said Arihanna is ‘absolutely delighted’ to be a big sisterCredit: Darren Young facebook

Little Arihanna can't wait to be a big sister

Little Arihanna can’t wait to be a big sisterCredit: Darren Young facebook

Tressa pictured in 2006 with her first daughter and her own mum, Tracy

Tressa pictured in 2006 with her first daughter and her own mum, TracyCredit: Les Gallagher – The Sun Glasgow

Britain’s youngest mum​ ​Tressa Middleton reveals agony after having second baby – because new tot can’t meet her older sister

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